There is a constant proliferation in the number of video formats available for viewing video clips in high definition without eating up all your memory.Nevertheless, this often causes problems with media players, both physical and digital, as they may not recognize new formats.

Total Video Converter lets you change the format of your videos to adapt them to your media player, whether it be physical or digital, fixed or portable.

The process is simple: select the file(s) you which to convert, select the format you wish to convert to from among the ones available and run the conversion.

Among the available formats for the conversion you’ll find MP4, 3GP, XVID, DIVX, MPEG4, AVI, etc. You can also select the format from among the existing conversion profiles: P2P, iPod, iPhone, DVD, VCD, Xbox360, PS3, etc.

Total Video Converter will thus certainly prove a good solution for anyone who runs into format-compatibility problems.